Thank you for hiring me, Richard C. Keyt, to prepare a custom Operating Agreement for your California limited liability company. If you have not yet paid for your Operating Agreement, click on appropriate link below and pay with your major credit card in our secure online order form.
- Pay $397 for a Bronze custom Operating Agreement for a single member LLC or an LLC owned by a married couple.
- Pay $697 for a Silver custom Operating Agreement for a multi-member LLC that does not have any investors contributing substantial amounts of money or property.
You may also pay for your Operating Agreement by calling LLC legal assistant 480-664-7936 giving her your credit card information.
What Happens Next?
Here is the sequence of events with respect to your custom LLC Operating Agreement:
1. Check your email inbox for the email I sent you entitled “Operating Agreement Questionnaire. If you don’t find the message check your spam folder. This message contains the question and answers you submitted. Please review the message carefully. If you find anything that is incorrect, hit the reply button and send me a message that tells me what you want to change or correct.
2. We will prepare your Operating Agreement in 3 or 4 business days after we have your Questionnaire and payment unless you paid an additional $200 for one business day service. If you need the Operating Agreement sooner,call LLC legal assistant 480-664-7936 and order one business day service.
3. We will email the custom Operating Agreement to the email address in the Questionnaire to which we emailed the Questionnaire. The document will be an Adobe pdf file attachment to the message.
Richard C. Keyt, JD, MS (accounting)
Keyt & Keyt, LLP