California Agent for Service of Process
Every new limited liability company formed in California and every LLC formed outside California that intends to register to do business in California must appoint an agent for service of process, aka resident agent. New LLCs must designate the agent for service of process in the Articles of Organization, Form LLC-1.
The agent for service of process can be a person or a corporation that has complied with Corp C §17701.13(c). Before a corporation (domestic or a foreign corporation registered to do business in California) can become an agent for service of process, it must file the certificate required by Corp C §1505 with the California Secretary of State. A general partnership, limited partnership and a limited liability partnership can never be an agent for service of process in Item 4 of Form LLC-1.
If a natural person is the agent for service of process the person must be a California resident. Corp C §17701.139c). The person’s street address cannot be a post office box, but it can be a residence address or a business address. The address should never include a c/o or “in care of” because the California Secretary of State will probably reject the Articles of Organization.